You don’t have to be a core Android user to know that each different version of Google’s mobile operating system contains an Easter egg. It’s always particularly easy to find as it stays in the exact same place every year. You simply head on over to the Settings menu, tap on About Phone, and there you’ll see a text box containing the Android version number your device is running.
It may look innocent enough, but if you tap on it a few times it’ll take you to a little hidden screen showcasing the name of the new OS. It’s a fun little secret which shows off Google’s fun personality nicely, but usually nothing more. Until now, that is.
There’s a little more to Android 5.0 Lollipop’s Easter egg than we would have thought. In a move which will probably look extremely dated in 12 months or so, Google has actually included a Flappy Bird clone.
The difference is that in this game you control a flying Android robot, and you have to manoeuvre it between giant lollipops.
If you’re interested in checking it out on your own Android 5.0 Lollipop-enabled device, check out the video above where YouTuber Sam Nalty provides a brief video walkthrough.