The freebies from PlayStation Plus just keep on coming, and March has some real treats lined up.
First off, UK and European Plus subscribers. You guys can look forward to PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate HD, a tower defence game with co-op capabilities. Don’t be fooled by the games charmingly folksy visuals, there is a hardcore experience lurking beneath.
Second of all is Smart As, a puzzler/logic-game style affair. Conceptually similar to the Dr. Kawashima’s Brain Training series for the Nintendo DS, Smart As presents you with a variety of challenges as stimulating visually as they are mentally. Work on your non-verbal reasoning and compare your results with the rest of the world. It can make for a nice break from shooting zombies and collecting coins, and can serve as an excellent time-filler on your daily commute.
Unfortunately for those of us in the EU, it’s the US who have it better yet again.
First up for you Yanks is third-person tactical military shooter Unit 13. Is it original? No. Is it good? Absolutely yes. More than a little bit SOCOM-esque, the mechanics are tight and the gunplay is satisfying – and co-op capability is a huge plus.
It is undeniably this final title which is the crown jewel of Sony’s monthly giveaway, though. Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite is the title which sold a thousand consoles. Originally released for the PlayStation Portable, the sheer size of Monster Hunter as a series in Japan is hard to overstate. A true system-seller in the Far East, Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite is being given to you entirely free. Upgrade your stupidly enormous weapon, hunt even more stupidly enormous monsters, level up, repeat. It may not be attuned to all Western palates, but it is a fantastic game regardless – one which you can squeeze over 500 hours of gameplay out of, too.
As always, these titles are free to download so long as you are a PlayStation Plus subscriber, and you can play them for as long as you keep your subscription running.