Our reliance on mobile phones today makes these beloved devices a hotbed for germs. Studies published on the Science Daily a few years back suggest that one out of every six phones in the United Kingdom was contaminated with fecal matter.
Many more infections and viruses have been found on the phone surfaces, according to other studies, everything from Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) to e.coli.
A health science professor at Ball State University, Jagdish Khubchandani, says that if you are exposed, the prevalent coronavirus will rest on the surface of your phone. This is because of the number of times we touch our phones – at least two hours a day.
Coping with the pandemic will also require us to pay special attention to how to keep the gadgets germ-free.
Disinfecting Wipes
Experts have warned that the COVID-19 virus can live on surfaces anywhere between a few hours to over one week, depending on conditions.
Apple, for example, recommends using a lint-free, slightly damp cloth to wipe your device.
Though they had earlier warned their customers against using harsh chemicals on the devices, the company now says you use Clorox Disinfecting Wipes. Any other 70 per cent isopropyl alcohol wipe can keep your iPhone disinfected by gently wiping the exterior surfaces.
Use the disinfectant products on the non-porous hard surfaces. However, keep off chemicals like bleaches and chlorine, which are too harsh and can damage your screen. Also, avoid cleaning products like compressed air or Purell.
As a general rule, do not obsessively scrub your screen.
Wash Your Hands as Required and Avoid Exposure
Keeping your phone clean is impossible if your hands are dirty. Disinfecting your phone will not matter if you do not observe the hygiene practices suggested by experts. Keep your hands off your face and wash them regularly.
Observe the kindergarten rules like keeping your nails short, so as they do not harbor germs.
You are keeping off infection risk like staying away from sick people, limiting your movements to only when necessary, and dressing appropriately is a great way to start. Experts say prevention is better than cure, and this is more relevant to this pandemic than ever before. Reducing the risk is far much better than sanitizing your phone. Avoiding exposure, in general, will reduce your chances of having your phone contaminated.
Damp or Wet Cloth
Even a water-resistant phone like iPhone 11 is not meant to be washed or soaked in water. Use damp or wet cotton fabric dipped in a soap and water solution to clean your phone.
Use a dry and clean cotton fabric to wipe the phone once clean.
Keep the Phone in a Cover
Cleaning a cover is easier and less risky than a phone. Using a cover for phone protection will limit your use of the gadget too often. This will reduce the risk of phone contamination and keep you safe.
Ensure you choose a cover that is easy to clean, plastic and leather a perfect option
Other Advanced Options
Most people may find this a daunting task, and we live in a world where technology grows faster. We can hardly catch up with the giant leaps made so far. The methods above may not be that efficient since it is prone to a lot of human error.
The introduction of ultraviolet rays to sanitize phone surfaces has revolutionized the entire game. As we all know, UV light is harmful to human beings. It is known to damage the skin and induce old age. This technology features a far-reaching UV light that does nothing at all when you come into contact with it. Making it safe for use, that is key as health is highly valued. The devices can be quite expensive but super convenient.
Each of them has various added advantages to them, which we will talk about later on in this article. Some of these devices may include; phone soap-this device is the best option without a doubt, when it comes to keeping phones free from invading pathogens and bacteria. The device uses UV that is effective in killing anything residing on the surface of the phone.
The interior features a reflective paint that bounces back the UV, ensuring every angle is well taken care of. The device is interchangeable and requires only 10 minutes to sterilize the phone surface completely. It is compatible with all phones and can be available in various colours
Portable UV Sanitizing wand-this device is shaped like a wand. Unlike phone soap 3, the wand mode of sanitation is very different. Instead of placing the phone inside the case, all you do is pass the wand over the device back and forth, and your good to go. It is impressive how quickly it performs, and it eliminates h1n1 and swine flu too.
Non-powered mini roller-all the UV sanitizers are tremendous, but many require complexities even to get them operating. Some people prefer simple things they are used to. Now that is where the mini roller comes in. It does not require any charging. As the name suggests, you roll it over the phones a few times.
Even though the above devices are great, not everything is golden here. There are several factors to consider before purchasing any of the above.
Compatibility. It is essential to research whether the device of choice is compatible with your phone.
Portability. Some phone sanitizers are not portable and may be an inconvenience in the long run. When you compare the inconvenience phone soap brings in terms of space to consume as opposed to the UV sanitizer wand is a huge difference
Capability. Human beings prefer killing two birds with one stone and what is better than a sanitizer that has charging capabilities. Only a few brands offer this. The pricing point is a little higher, considering the additional modes to it.
Effectiveness. The ascertainment that the device works is one thing that most people will never get to know. The only way to do this is by performing lab tests on the before and after of the phone. This can help you determine whether you are getting value for your money or not.
The UV light interferes with the DNA of the microbes preventing it from recovering quickly. It ends up dying, but re-contamination can still occur.