Anyone who’s used Adobe Photoshop before will be familiar with the ‘eyedropper’ tool. This tool allows you to pick a specific colour from any image on your screen, and then continue to use that colour to airbrush/paint/draw/fill and the like.
The Mozbii stylus allows you to do that in real life.
It’s a genius concept – you simply press the flat head of the Mozbii against any real world object. Anything you can think of. It then takes that colour, sends it to your tablet, and allows you to use it in-app.
Mozbii is primarily aimed at young children, and it’s a wonderful tool for encouraging creativity. The sample video shows the demonstrator taking the colour from a tennis ball, a guitar, the graphic on his t-shirt and even his own hair. These colours then appear in the synced Mozbii Colouring Book app on his tablet. There doesn’t seem to be any limit to the amount of colours you can take, and you can even scroll through all of your previous captures using two buttons on the Mozbii stylus itself.
It’s almost a shame that it’s targeted towards children, as to have such a feature on a professional artist’s stylus could be huge.
The product, developed by the Taiwan-based Jeremy Shu, has comfortably beaten its Kickstarter goal with 15 days still remaining. Over $43,000 has been pledged versus a $30,000 goal, and you can still act now to get an early-release Mozbii of your very own with a pledge of $79 or more. It’s compatible with both Android tablets and the iPad.
Take a look at the stylus in action and see what you think. Surely it’s only a matter of time until we see Shu’s technology implemented elsewhere? We certainly hope so.