Android users no longer need to look on in envy at their iOS counterparts as Twitter’s Vine service has finally launched — although 44.1% of you will be left out of the fun, as it requires Android 4.0 and above.
The video sharing service, which enables you to share six seconds of video quickly and easily, has amassed 13 millions users on iOS so far. Android users who have looked on enviously will be giving a special feature just for them: Zoom. Whilst that in no way makes up for missing features such as the ability to use a front-facing camera, search, hashtags, mentions and even sharing on Facebook, but Twitter has promised that those will be coming in an update in the coming weeks.
Android Vine users also have another thing to look forward to, as Twitter has alluded to more exclusive features that “can only exist on the Android platform.”
So what are you waiting for? Download Vine now — it’s free!
Source: Twitter Blog