PlayStation 4 owners waiting on a real platform-selling exclusive shouldn’t have to hold on much longer if a social-media slip-up from Evolution Studios is anything to go by.
The guys behind upcoming racing simulator Driveclub sent out the following tweet, before swiftly deleting it:
Seeing as Evolution Studios are based in England it’s pretty safe to assume that “9.4.14” means the ninth of April, not the fourth of September as Americans may be predisposed to interpret it.
Why they would choose to delete a tweet so innocuous and so close to release date is a little puzzling, but of course there’s every chance that this was premeditated. Why even have that tweet written up if it wasn’t meant to be broadcast?
PS4 fans have had a fairly tough first six months with their new console – whilst the machine has performed to expectations, the lack of releases for it has been like nothing seen before in past generations. With the launch of Driveclub though, at least the racing fanatic demographic will finally have a simulator worthy of their attention (until a new Gran Turismo comes around, that is).