2019 was a year of political strife of all kinds, but the awakening that occurred surrounding environmental issues is quite significant. For the first time in years, people were considering the Earth’s atmosphere, wildlife, and environmental degradation. With a year of illumination regarding these issues, it is no surprise that green energy and products that use renewables took centre stage at the 2020 CES conference in Las Vegas. There were a lot of great innovations that were premiered and showcased at this year’s conference but the Hydraloop product, coming from the Netherlands, won the CES award for innovation.
What is Hydraloop?
The Hydraloop is a system that treats water to make it reusable. This may sound simple, but this product uses six distinct treatments to recycle up to 85 per cent of all the water used in your home or business. If all that the company claims is true, this could be a real game-changer as far as saving water in the home goes. Claiming that the Hydraloop can save up to 20,000 gallons a year, the system could not only save water, but it could also save a lot of money for families and businesses.
How Does it Work?
The Hydraloop is about the size of a flat refrigerator. It connects to your home’s water system from wherever you need it and takes outgoing water and sends it through multiple processes. Once the water goes through the drain, it is sent through a sedimentation process to take out chunks of sediment and debris. Then it goes through both flotation and dissolved air flotation. Next is foam fractionation.
Then it is treated by a process called aerobic bioreaction and is finally disinfected with UV light. These treatments are regularly used in large-scale water treatment facilities, but with the Hydraloop you can use the same processes in your home and business, making this water reusable in toilets, pools, washing machines, and in the garden.
Monitoring the Process
This system isn’t cheap, they run around $4,000 a piece but with the amount of water and energy they could save, it will likely be an investment that pays off. One of the best parts about the Hydraloop is that you can monitor the processes with your Android. This means you can see what you are saving and how much money is being put back into your pocket. You can even optimize the settings and make the system more effective. With all of this at your disposal, if you can afford the Hydraloop you won’t regret installing it. It is good for your wallet and the planet.
Water Crises
There are currently only 100 of the units installed in Europe and Asia, but it is also available in Africa and the Middle East. After winning the CES award, it will likely be well-distributed in the US. This comes at a time where concerns about water have never been higher. With the population ballooning to 10 billion people within the next 30 years, clean and drinkable water will become scarcer and scarcer. Hydraloopknows this and is planning on helping people save water while making a lot of money by doing it. This is because the amount of energy and water it helps you save is quite significant.
The Savings
The Dutch company claims that this product helps you reduce water consumption and sewage emission by a staggering 45 percent, which is almost unheard of. It will reduce the carbon footprint of the building by six per cent and reduces energy consumption by 600kWh in countries will cooler climates according to the site MoneyPug, which is a platform to compare utilities. Not only will this water recycler save energy, water, and money, if implemented everywhere.
Whether you are into the politics of environmentalism, everyone needs to do their part to save water. Clean water will be hard to come by in the future and people are already struggling to get water in countries around the world. While the big players are undoubtedly the corporations, water is always precious and always needs to be saved. The Hydraloop plans on making water savings a part of the everyday life of people around the world.