Three of the top 5 worst first date habits are all about phones
The top 10 worst dining faux pas you can make on a date, revealed
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Phone-obsessed singletons beware: new research reveals that using your phone at the table can be one of the worst things to do on a date.
The study from online furniture retailer, Furniture Choice, reveals that some of the most off-putting things you can do on a date all have to do with phones, such as texting at the table (68%) or taking pictures for social media (44%).
The study, which surveyed 2,002 Brits, explored exactly which bad dining habits offended the nation and in particular, which ones were considered notably offensive on a first date.
While talking with your mouth full (69%) was crowned the worst habit, it was closely followed by eating with your mouth open (66%) and texting at the table (58%) with over half of Brits claiming to be offended.
The top 10 most offensive dining habits people can do on first dates are:
1. Talking with their mouth full (69%)
2. Eating with their mouth open (66%)
3. Texting at the table (58%)
4. Facetiming/video calling at the table (57%)
5. Taking a phone call at the table (54%), Talking loudly at the table (54%)
6. Using social media at the table (53%)
7. Licking their knife (45%)
8. Uploading a picture of their food to social media (44%)
9. Taking food from your plate (41%)
10. Taking a photo of their food (40%)
Texting wasn’t the only phone habit that made it into the top ten, with 57% saying they find FaceTiming/video calling at the table on a first date offensive, and over half (54%) adding taking a phone call into the mix.
Social media usage is also one to avoid when sat across from a potential significant other for the first time, with 53% of Brits labelling it as rude and 44% being particularly offended by people uploading a picture of their food onto social media during a date.
Commenting on the findings, Interior Style Advisor at Furniture Choice, Rebecca Snowden says: “When on a first date, it’s important to make a good first impression but also to be yourself.. It’s evident from our research that daters are attracted to and are therefore more likely to see people again if they engage with them and don’t let their phones take their attention during the date.
“While dining etiquette has evolved over time and has become a little more relaxed, particularly in more casual settings, daters should be mindful they’re carrying good table manners as to not put off any potential suitors from dining with them again.”
To find out if you’re the perfect dinert, take the dining etiquette quiz here: https://www.furniturechoice.co.uk/advice-and-inspiration/are-you-the-perfect-dinner-party-guest_a10000039