So just how did Apple make the slimmer iPad Air? Not by starving the poor things.
Instead, the company cutback on the number and size of the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) within the newest tablet, a new report from IHS iSuppli suggests. Apparently the number of LEDs has been reduced from 84 in previous models to 36 in this one.
That also has a big impact on power requirements, allowing for a smaller capacity battery that suits the device just fine.
Apparently the display and touch-screen subsystems have also been reduced in size. So there’s quite a lot that’s gone into making the device smaller. And that’s how to make a slimmer iPad Air. Now try it for yourself (disclaimer: don’t actually do that).
The iPad Air launched on November 1st. We’re still waiting on a release date for the iPad Mini.
Source: CNET