It seems like every week that a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 handset keeps bursting into flames or randomly exploding, with the latest report now coming from China.
Samsung had previously stated that the battery issue would not effect Chinese handsets due to a change in supplier, though it has now been revealed that this only protects Note 7 devices produced after September 1st.
The electronics giant released a small batch of handsets back in August as part of a limited testing run. Samsung recalled some 1,858 devices in light of the issue but it seems a few may have escaped their grasp. Being that this is the first time it has happened in China, we’re sure Samsung is still treating the case as isolated.
Battery issue may not be the cause for every Samsung Galaxy Note 7
Another #GalaxyNote7 battery explosion reported in #China on Mon; @samsung says it’s already probing 1st case pic.twitter.com/ngV6mxDXFc
‘ People’s Daily,China (@PDChina) September 19, 2016
Batteries can overheat and explode for reasons other than the one found with the Note 7 but it does seem like a very convenient coincidence. The priority now will be finding out at which date the device was manufactured, so they can see if it was part of the bad batch. If it turns out that it’s not and the same fault is discovered, Samsung has some serious explaining to do.
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