Salesforce has long been helping developers attain their releases on time by giving an apt app development platform. But with the increasing pressure on businesses to achieve targets and generate more revenue, the pressure on developers is also getting high to deliver faster. Therefore the hunt for a tool to help deploy faster and reduce the time of deliveries was on, till Salesforce DX came to the forefront.
Salesforce DX is the answer to how the efficiency of current salesforce platform can be enhanced at minimal costing and effort.
Low-cost, great efficiency enhancer
It’s a great efficiency enhancing tool with multiple features which would not make you go bankrupt to integrate it, simply because it’s an open source tool. The next great thing about it is, its cloud-based and does not require separate installation. This means you need no extra server space or storage for this, and you can just install or add it to your existing Salesforce platform in simple steps.
No need to learn codes for DX
Salesforce DX would not make you learn codes. It actually does not require you to learn codes because mere clicks execute operations instead of codes. Also, the user interface of DX is the same as Salesforce, and therefore you need not learn anything extra to use DX. If you know Salesforce, you can instantly start using Salesforce DX on it. The objective of using DX is simply to enhance the performance of the current Salesforce platform so that you can enjoy the accelerated release management.
Native release
When you use a service like Flosum.com for integratingSalesforce DX faster with greater support, then you enjoy the power of native release, which helps you get better version control. Version control management is an important part of the app development process and lifecycle management. And DX helps in this.
Native release can help accelerate the speed of deliveries and overall process management so well, that developers can really feel delighted to work with this platform. Several powerful features merge together to form DX, which makes it a must inclusion into your current Salesforce set up for better-accelerated working.
Express deployment is a power gain with DX
Many features in Salesforce DX helps you gain many things in the app development process. One of them is high-speed delivery due to faster deployment. Express deployment has been made possible through the introduction of features like quick deploy and fast deploy. They when applied to reduce deployment time by 32% or more. Hence what was a 12 step process to deliver gets smaller to become a mere 5 step process, and what took 3 days to complete can take just 3 hours to complete and deploy. Hence much more speed ensures greater target achievement within the deadline, more production, better revenue, and overall business growth with the maintenance of commitment.
To ensure better Salesforce management and better working now is the time you implement Salesforce DX as the feature enhancing tool. Without any extra investment or infrastructure enhancement, you can enjoy a whole lot of benefits.