Today saw yet another leak for Nokia’s Lumia 1520, and further rumours are now spreading thanks to Qualcomm.
The manufacturer, which is responsible for the new and improved Snapdragon 800 processor, tweeted out today that it was ‘proud’ to be associated with the Nokia Lumia 1520 after a fan quizzed its account. Obviously given the device’s yet-to-be-announced nature, this probably wasn’t meant to happen. You can see that tweet for yourself below (thanks to the source for that). A retraction soon came in the form of another tweet that read: “Sorry for the confusion – we misread the original tweet. We don’t have any info about future devices.”
Of course this could be an honest mistake, but it’s going to be impossible for the company to shake both that association and rumour between now and the device’s reveal, which is thought to be taking place on October 22nd. The snapdragon 800 is a high-powered chip that will allow for the likes of 4K videos. The 1520 itself is said to sport a 6 inch screen that runs in full HD, so the 800 sounds like it’s more than up to the task.
Source: WP Central