Yes, it’s another story on the prospective Apple iWatch. But this one feels a little different. Ordinarily we’d recommend the reader to take stories like this with a pinch/truckload of salt, but the sheer amount of specifics are enough to grant the claims an odd amount of authority. The meat of the matter is this: Apple will have an iWatch in stores in Q3 of this year, and will aim to move 65 million of them.
This information comes from a Chinese language report from the Economic Daily News. Whilst speculation like this may be ten-a-penny, very rarely have so many boasted so many clear details. Not only that, but to claim a release date of Q3 of this year is so unbelievably ballsy that it’s easy to believe that perhaps they know something that we don’t. In business terms, ‘Q3′ would be defined as September through to the end of the calendar year. Could Apple feasibly release a polished product in six months’ time, when we know absolutely zero details about it, and nothing has been mentioned by executives?
But wait, there’s more! This same report claims that the device will be manufactured by Quanta Computer, with Taiwanese chip design house Richtek also ‘entering the supply chain’. TPK will allegedly supply the touch panel.
As if that wasn’t enough, things really start to get wacky with news that, whilst Apple will design the iWatch, production will be outsourced to Samsung. Yes, Apple’s biggest competitor in the smartphone market and single biggest presence in the wearable-tech market will actually manufacture the device for them.
Hey, we said ‘pinch of salt’.