Another year and another sweep of gadgets and gizmos has come our way. We’ve seen some fantastic phones come our way this year. Most of them got the rightful recognition at this year’s What Mobile Awards, voted for by you, but we’d like to take a bit of time just to round off some personal favorites before the year’s end.
[alert type=alert-blue]Nokia Lumia 1020[/alert]
The 1020 makes us how we ever coped without a phone on a camera. Not only can we now capture every moment of our lives on the same thing we make our calls on, but thanks to the 1020 we can capture them in eye-blistering detail and have them ready to upload on just about any social service you want. Do all phones need cameras of this quality? Probably not, but we’re glad that the 1020 gives us the option.
[alert type=alert-blue]Apple iPhone 5s[/alert]Apple iPhone 5s
The latest iteration of everyone’s favorite phone doesn’t pack too many surprises, but the upgraded hardware, additional features and new OS make it a noteworthy addition to the 2013 lineup. The 64-bit architecture powers the best looking smartphone games out there right now and although it had a rocky start, iOS 7 has become second nature to us. Still, show us something new next year, Apple?
[alert type=alert-blue]Motorola Moto G[/alert]
Announced towards the end of the year, Motorola’s ‘comeback’ phone took everyone by surprise with its astonishing price. Available at £135, the Moto G does just about anything a casual smartphone user could ask for. It comes at a time when other manufacturers are making less powerful hardware for at least £65 more. We applaud the company for pushing pricing forward, not backwards.
[alert type=alert-blue]Google Nexus 5[/alert]
Speaking of great pricing, the Nexus 5 is currently the cheapest way to get your hands on one of the most powerful smartphone processors out there, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 800. At £300 it’s also one of the most rock-solid handsets on the market. A great starting place for smartphone newcomers.
[alert type=alert-blue]Sony Xperia Z1[/alert]
In terms of all-rounders, they don’t come much more, well, rounded that the Xperia Z1. Complete with water-resistant hardware and making use of Sony’s other media sections, the Z1 is a true all in one device worthy of the 5-inches of pocket space it will take up. If you scored this phone for Christmas, then make sure to give your rich uncle an extra big hug.