The young generation prefers having indoor games that keep them busy rather than having active outdoor games with friends or peers. Traditionally, children enjoyed playing games that kept the body engaged and enthusiastic throughout the gaming process. However, technology has brought along various entertainment that keeps the people busy at the comfort of their houses without involving a second party. Provided one has an electronic device such as a mobile phone, a computer, an arcade machine and many more; they can enjoy video games at any time of the day or night. Additionally, always get comfortable by purchasing the best recliners in the market to protect your body from aches during the long gaming hours.
Many views have been given concerning video games from concerned parties. Some people believe that engaging in these games may have adverse consequences on the gamer. Moreover, other guardians encourage their children to involve themselves in such games since they come along with various advantages. For someone yet to know the real facts behind video games, here are a few truths concerning video games.
Pros of regularly playing video games on players
- They help train the physical and mental capabilities of a gamer
As a player, your mind and body are focused on the screen as one tries to change tactics and beat their opponents. In this process, one’s mind gets trained to work faster thus ensuring efficiency. Additionally, one gets good at engaging in visual images regarding size, colour, and shape. The brain gets trained to multitask as well as have some mental rotation to when performing a task.
2. For therapeutic purposes.
Video games are beneficial to people who experience difficulties in their physical or mental tasks. Take the example of a person healing from a stroke. For such an individual, they may have a problem moving their arms. Autism patients are also in the same class as people who require help in their mobility. With video games, these patients are helped to move their arms as they get entertained in the process.
3. Improves teamwork
Certain video games require the players’ teamwork to overcome specific tasks that can only be accomplished when people unite. In such games, one needs to work faster than usual to avoid dragging the whole team to the losing end. Also, one has to learn to work under pressure since these games come with difficult tasks to accomplish in such a short time. Such skills are fundamental in our everyday activities as we all try to make ends meet.
Disadvantages of playing video games
Despite having the advantages as mentioned above, video games are known to have adverse effects on gamers who play daily. Though one does not have to get affected in the first instance, these are possible results in the long term.
- Addiction
This is a common side effect of continually playing video games. Though it has not been scientifically proven, we have friends or relatives addicted to these games; hence we can attest to this fact. Some people get unhealthy fixation to certain things when they use them for a long time. This means that a person gets attached to the game even without realizing it. Video games are also exciting. In one way or another, we might get absorbed by the game.
2. One becomes more aggressive, and they may be violent to other people
We have seen games that require a lot of physical aggressiveness from the player to win the game. Unfortunately, this may be ideologically employed. If someone lacks control, they might get aggressive to those around them.
3. Affects socialization
Most video games require a player to stay indoors most of the time. For a child, they will lack the need to socialize with other kids since the games keep them busy. In addition to this, video games cannot be discussed as other games such as soccer. This makes a gamer an introvert in the presence of their peers.
4. Conclusion
In many families, people have purchased devices for games, yet they are not aware of the side effects that come with them. As parents and guardians, it should be a priority to educate the young generation of the effects as mentioned earlier. Finally, always have a timetable for the games to avoid using too much time on the games.