Google tracks you everywhere in order to provide you the best advertising, but its customers have never gotten any benefit other than the ability to use free services. According to Engadget, that’s soon set to change, with Google planning a rewards service to monitor your mobile phone and app usage.
The project is supposedly known as “Mobile Meter” internally, and will be available across both iOS and Android, with apps that will monitor how you use them and feeding that data back to El Goog.
If you, like Microsoft, feel this is just another way to get Scroogled, then you shouldn’t have to worry as it looks as if the program is going to be completely voluntary and you’ll be required to give your consent.
It’s not known what Google plans to offer as a reward, but Nielsen currently offers a similar service where it provides those signed up free gift cards in exchange of being tracked — not bad if you ask us. On Tuesday morning, Google confirmed its plans noting that this was part of its ScreenWise initiative, noting that both iOS and Android apps will be submitted to their respective app stores in due course.