Game Review: Outworded – word search to your heart’s content

Alex Walls
June 4, 2013


Backflip Studios

Free on Apple iOS


Outworded does what it says on the tin, and does it well. However, it is just a word search game, so chances are you’ll get bored pretty quickly.

A nicely set out app which is simple to use, you can choose to play on easy, medium or hard, which will give you less or more words.   You can also choose whether to have a time limit or not, as well as whether you want to play alone or with friends or randoms, where you race against the clock to find more words.

It’s actually quite addictive, finding words and matching letters and racing against another person, while panic-inducing, can up the challenge.

There are annoying pop up ads between load screens and the app does get a bit boring after a while, but it’s a nice looking word search app that works well and does exactly what it says it will.

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