Despite the variety of options and solutions available, one of the most common complaints about Android is how often you’ll be asked which app you’ll want to open a certain file in. The same goes for web links, where there’s often a million and one ways you can go about things.
This game then gets even more annoying when it comes to social media apps. Right now if you’re browsing Facebook on your Android device and an acquaintance posts a link that piques your interest, if you want to view it you have to leave the app to view it in your web browser of choice. It’s clunky, slow and just a general annoyance. It shouldn’t have to be like this.
Facebook evidently agrees, as newly-leaked images depict what looks an awful lot like an in-app web browser.
It’s a feature that already exists on the app’s iOS version, and it seems like it could finally be on its way to Android. The browser’s functionality seems limited, but users generally need anything more complex than the ability to just view the damn link without having to switch to separate app.
For what it’s worth, you also seem to get the ability to copy the link, save the link, open the link in another app (a little self-defeating but an option nonetheless), and share the link in a new post with one touch. We have no idea when this feature will be introduced, if ever, but for now you can look on at the images below and dare to dream. Be sure to click each image to view them full-sized