EE boosts 4G data allowances to 20GB – is it worth it?

Allan Swann
January 22, 2013

Hardcore smartphone boffins (i.e. big data users) will be happy to know that EE is boosting its top data plan to 20GB per month.

Currently the largest data allowance on EE’s new 4G plans is 8GB – a level that many consumers have decried as too limiting.

Given that 4G speeds are (at a minimum) 4 times faster than 3G, and EE has positioned the network for high data consumption activities (such as movie watching and video gaming) – users would churn through their data caps much faster. EE outlines these ‘super users’ as being just 1% of its 4G customers. But with new high profile 4G products coming online, such as the iPad 4 and iPad Mini (which are used far more data intensively than smartphones), it was a case of ‘when’ EE would raise its caps, rather than ‘if’.

The new 20GB plan rolls out from today, on a 12 month SIM only plan for £46 per month (and includes unlimited texts and calls) – a 50% premium since most 3G plans hover around the £30 per month region. But given that large level of data it does appear to be an OK deal: Vodafone’s SIM only 2GB plan (on 3G too) is £26, O2’s is £25.

However, Three’s unlimited data plan is just £25 – an absolute no brainer. Given that Three’s network runs 3.5G (HSPA) which gives near 4G speeds this is probably the best deal for the data hungry.

If you want to throw a phone on the end of EE’s 4G deal, it becomes £61. The catch for EE’s new plans? You need to sign up by February 28.

“It’s our aim to offer consumers the most comprehensive range of 4GEE price plans. With these new options we’re looking to not only make 4G smartphones even more accessible, but offer even greater value for the small number of super-users out there – ensuring EE really does offer a package that’s tailored for all customers 4G needs,” said Pippa Dunn, EE’s Chief Marketing Officer.

EE remains the UK’s only 4G operator, its rivals await the results of the 4g auction to purchase the radio spectrum required – with a realistic launch date of mid 2013. EE wants to make the most of its monopoly advantage while it can.

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