Blackberry couldn’t resist a sly dig at Apple in their new Priv advertisement.
Although they may not be true contenders in the smartphone market any-more, Blackberry are still highly respected for their privacy and security. In a new advert posted on the American Blackberry website, the company gave a sly nod to Apple’s recent security improvements.
The advert begins by saying that Blackberry is happy to see Apple taking privacy seriously, before going into a personal tirade on how they’ve been providing quality service for the last 20 years. It’s a nice tongue-in-cheek advert that only helps to cement the fact that the upcoming ‘Priv’ smartphone will be all about privacy.
The Priv is rumoured to be releasing late November, as suggested by renowned Twitter leaker @evleaks.
For more on Blackberry, visit What Mobile’s dedicated Blackberry page.
Via Blackberry