Apple’s iPhone 5s substantially outsells iPhone 5c

Jordan O'Brien
September 30, 2013

Remember Apple announced that nine million iPhones had been sold in one weekend? Well it now seems that we have some idea of what proportion of those sales were the iPhone 5s — and believe us when we say, the 5c’s portion is tiny.

The iPhone 5s took around 85 percent of new iPhones in San Francisco, whereas the US average was around 75 percent, proving that the new flagship really is king of the hill. The iPhone 5c on the other hand only managed to garner a measly 25 percent of US sales, although it wasn’t the case universally. US network Sprint found itself with an almost fifty fifty split in terms of sales.

In the days since the launch the iPhone 5c has managed to grow its share, with the ratio of iPhone 5s to iPhone 5cs dropping from 3.4 on September 22 to 2.9 on September 26. Collectively the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c hardly made a dent on active iPhones, with just a 1.4% share of the US market.

The “unapologetically plastic” iPhone 5c only costs £80 less in the UK than the upgraded iPhone 5s, meaning some users have been put off buying what many initially thought would be a cheaper iPhone.

Source: Localytics

About the Author

Jordan O'Brien

Technology Journalist with an unhealthy obsession with trains and American TV. Attempts satire far too often. (+44) 020 7324 3502

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