Apple is reporting that its app store has added over 500,000 new jobs to the European economy since its inception in 2008.
The new stats published on the tech firm’s website claim that iOS ushered in a “revolution” that added 629,000 new jobs across the continent.
The numbers being reported by the company also state that approximately 50% of all direct and indirect app jobs in the EU can be “directly attributed to iOS”.
Additionally, Apple states that it has paid more than $6.5 billion to developers across Europe. That staggering figure accounts for more than a quarter (30% precisely) of all the revenue generated by developers on iOS.
With employees in 19 European countries, the Cupertino giant employs a work force of approximately 19,000 in the continent. It states that it has added 5,000 new jobs to its tally since 2011.
The figures appear to be derived from a report by Vision Mobile. The report also adds that there are currently 406,000 professional developers across the EU.
Breaking down that figure further, The Guardian reports that the UK has the most paid app developers registered to create content for the App Store – 61,000 in total. Germany comes second with 52,200, whereas France has 30,000.
In its blog post, Apple stated: “with more than 1.2m apps and over 75bn downloads, the App Store has created an entirely new industry: iOS app design and development.”
It failed to mention, however, its own revenues from the App Store. Apple takes a commission of 30% from app sales on its service, meaning the company has earned approximately $10 bn globally since the store’s creation in 2008.
Check out Apple’s insights here.