The iPhone 7 will be here around September time, what do we want from Apple’s next reckoning?
For the past few years Apple has been using September as the time to announce a new iPhone. Last year we reached the provisional ‘s’ line with the iPhone 6s. Typically when we reach a ‘s’ iPhone we’re treated to a device with an extra gigabyte of RAM and a new processor. To be fair the iPhone 6s did try a new innovation with 3D Touch and from that the rest of the mobile industry followed suit. But 3D Touch (and Force Touch) hasn’t really changed any lives.
2016 is the year for Apple to surprise us with something new and innovative. Android rivals have been impressing us with amazing new features like dual-camera systems, modular attachments, water-resistance, and much more we’ll be requesting in this feature. Here’s seven features we want from the iPhone 7.
Better battery life
Before Apple turns Siri into a fully functioning personal butler, that transforms from your iPhone 7, when you request a cup of tea. Apple need to make sure it can turn on the kettle before it keels over. Battery life has always been an issue with iOS devices with plenty of iPhone users packing power banks. The 6s Plus packs a whopping 2,750 mAh but the standard 6s has a measly 1715 mAh. Huawei proved it’s possible to have a slim device with a 3,000 mAh battery, with the P9. With rumours pointing to the headphone jack being cut, Apple will have more room to put in a bigger battery.
Drop the lightning port and join the rest of the world. Granted USB-C isn’t widely used yet, but it is the future and slowly Android manufacturers are ushering it out. HTC are the latest to join the USB-C party with their newly announced HTC 10.
The obvious benefit here is compatibility with your friend’s charger when your iPhone is dying of thirst. Also you can play that “fire” playlist on your mate’s bluetooth speaker at house parties.
It’s always been a weakness for iOS. Android has made huge leaps in customisation to allow users to give their device a bit of character. Jailbreakers enjoy customisation but it requires a bit of effort. Your efforts will reward you with the ability to change the theme of your iPhone.
So what should Apple do? Enable theme change and launch a theme store with unique designs from the world’s most creative minds. It’ll also generate more revenue. Caught your attention yet Apple? Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference takes place June 8-12, hopefully they’ll announce customisation then, before the iPhone 7 announcement in September.
Keep the earphone jack and include a DAC
I would get on my knees and personally applaud Apple if they did this. It would be a complete U-Turn that they could spin to seem like a joke that went a bit too far. I am of course referring to the swirling rumours about Apple getting rid of the headphone jack.
“Just kidding guys, we’re actually going to make your listening experience better.”
A digital audio converter (DAC) is nothing new, the HTC One A9, Marshall London and HTC 10 incorporate a DAC. But in an age where audiophilia seems to be spreading rampantly, a DAC is looking to be the next staple feature for smartphones.
No 16GB model
Off the top of my head here are some glaring reasons why there shouldn’t be a 16GB iPhone 7:
- Apps are getting bigger as app developers are taking advantage of the processing powers of present day chipsets
- 4K video recording. 4K used to be something available in the cinema and now it’s in your pocket. You probably didn’t notice as you were picking the right moment to put your arm around your date
- Like 4K video, pictures have also seen an upgrade. It simply takes up too much space and you’ll be left wanting by the end of the month.
Making 32GB the standard size is already being adopted by Samsung and LG for their latest devices (S7 and G5 respectively). Hopefully Apple will keep the 16GB price for a standard 32GB model.
Wireless charging
Android device shave been impressing us with new and innovative features. This is a massive positive for us the consumers as we’re getting devices with features such as water resistance and wireless charging. Apple face being left behind by the competition in terms of innovation, as the California based company has forced it’s rivals into a corner, forcing them to fight back.
Wireless charging is a problem for devices with full metal bodies, the iPhone 6s has an aluminium body. If Apple can somehow create wireless charging that not only works with a full metal body, but charges significantly faster, they’ll be lauded for yet another Apple first.
The Samsung Galaxy S6 charges 30% in 30 minutes with the official Samsung wireless charger. If Apple can make wireless charging the de facto choice for charging, Apple would retain the image of being leaders in the mobile tech market.
Something groundbreaking
Set the world alight again. 2007 was a year many will not forget as it was the unveiling of the first generation iPhone. We want something of that magnitude again and soon. Joaquin Phoenix used a smartphone in the film Her, that was controlled mostly through voice commands. It scarily seemed like a sentient Siri, but it was damn cool.
So there you go Apple, invest in artificial intelligence and have it do our bidding. What can possibly go wrong?
A more realistic innovation: an embedded home button on the screen, able to recognise fingerprints. It’ll free up more screen real estate and improve the overall aesthetics of the iPhone.
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