Injection moulding is a process in manufacturing that is used for the fabrication of items ranging from cell phone cases, plastic toys, containers, and plastic bottles. The process of creating hundreds of identical plastic parts is quick. The use of injection moulding has added flexibility to the sizes and shapes of plastics.
Injection Molding Robots Advantages
The work of operating an injection-moulding machine is physically taxing, repetitive, and operators risk injury. An injection-moulding machine Robots are becoming very popular in injection moulding processes. They are used to load parts and for the assembly of moulded parts. Six-axis articulated robots are used for unloading and processing parts away from the moulder. They can perform other tasks such as loading automated inserts, in-mould labelling and decorating.
Plastic robotic injection moulding is an automation of the process. A pick-and-place robot loads plastic components into the moulding machine and places the finished product on a conveyor belt. Some advantages of automating the procedure include:
Part Production Consistency
Manual injection moulding is very tedious for a human being. If a human being is in charge of doing the injection moulding, the moulds will not be consistent in shape and size. A robot will always give you the replica of the original mould. Injection-molding robots apply uniform pressure all around and reduce the number of defects, and wastage, saving you a lot of money.
Robots Can Multi-task
Automating using robots is very cost-effective for any mould injection company. The robots used for the moulding process can be used to perform other manual tasks, saving on labour costs. If you create a schedule, you can use the robots to work in different departments efficiently and effectively. All you need to do is add new program instructions, and the robot will perform its newly assigned task efficiently.
Cycle Times
Once you automate the injection moulding process, you do not have to worry about cycle times. You only need to set the moulding robot to the required time intervals, allowing your moulds to be injected uniformly at the set intervals. This helps in producing good quality products with uniform consistency.
Robots are Easy to Use
The robots put to work in injection moulding are easy to set up and use. The programming of the robots to work with your moulding system is done by programming the robot with the instructions. Once programmed, anyone can use the robot.
Most people fear using robots by mistakenly thinking they are difficult to operate and are an added expense because you will need to hire an operator. This is, however, not true, and any worker can man the injection moulding robots.
Continuous Work
A robot can work for as long as you need it to, unlike human beings who need to take breaks. A robot can be programmed to work all day and all night, ensuring a continuous workflow is maintained throughout the year. Downtime is almost a myth where robots are concerned. The only time they do not work is when they are under maintenance, of which they can be maintained at intervals so that work never stops.
Robots add a skill level that human beings do not possess. The robot carefully removes the set liquids after they take the mouldings’ shape. The robots are also able to bring onboard their dexterity when handling the hot moulds, while a human would have to wait until they cool down.
The robots can handle hot moulds without any effect. This keeps the workers safe from any accidental burns in the factory. The workers also do not suffer from back injuries as the robot does the hard work for them.
Robotics has come a long way, and it is going even further. Using robots in injection moulding significantly increases ROI and reduces downtime by almost a hundred per cent. Workers are kept safe from accidental burns and from repetitive injuries that can debilitate them and add to downtime.