A watermark is a graphic image or text that we add to our photographs, so that its author is clearly identified. Adding a watermark to your photo is one of the most important measures to prevent someone from using it without authorization. Putting a watermark is also a possibility to promote your company. The more times your fantastic photos with your logo are discovered, the more positive connotations your brand will have, and the stronger it will be. Here are different ways to create and place watermarks on your photos.
Put a watermark using tools
If you feel that you cannot follow the complex steps to add watermark in your images, then you can take help of tools to add watermark in the images. Below are some tools using which you can add watermark in image:
Watermarkphotos.net is best option to add watermark in your photos from your browser. What set this site apart is that all work is done locally, meaning that none of its content is transferred to your servers, adding an additional layer of privacy.
Watermark with Adobe Lightroom
To make a watermark with help of Lightroom Classic, first go to Lightroom, then choose option of Edit Watermarks. In the popup option of the lightroom application, you can select to have a plain text watermark or ensure the option for a explicit watermark. For a text watermark, you can regulate the text, font, size, and position of your watermark. For a graphic, you can upload a PNG file with a transparent background, and then select alternative like the size and position of the watermark.
Add watermarks with a photo editor
If your photo editing software doesn’t offer a watermark feature and you don’t want to download a new one, or the online tools are not easy to use for you, don’t worry. You have the option to customize your watermarks using an image editing software like Photoshop, GIMP or Pixelmator.
With this watermark addition tool, you can just place over text on a picture with your copyright information, and reduce the opacity of the text to mix it with the picture. It should not saturate the picture and for that, you can lessen the dullness if you desire it to almost disappear.
It is also easy to use these software for adding watermark in your images.
visual watermark
With this app, you can put the text or logo you want, adjust its size, transparency, or rotation and even process images in batches.
Features of the tools
- Using Visual watermark one can add text in images as a watermark. We can also use the logo, brand name, or copyright symbol of a company as a watermark.
- There are around 260 pre-loaded fonts available in the tool and one can also make their own font in this tool
- Can use the watermark templates later by saving it
You can have the option to select between different types of templates which are already available in the application. One can also use their own logo, or can create the personalized text. This tool also supports batch type of processing. Using make watermark one can add to add watermark to hundreds of files in 1 time only. It takes only few minutes to do.
- There are around 900 premium fonts available in the tool
- It is easy to adjust size and opacity of images
- Very reasonable in rates
- Can add one of 9 effects at same time to your watermark.
Why put watermarks on my photos?
A watermark can be your logo, your own name or the copyright symbol where it can be seen somewhere in your photos. In the event that you put your name or your logo, whenever someone sees it, they will associate it with you more easily. At all times they will know that it is your photograph. By the way, never delete the original image because you cannot erase the watermark once the photo has been processed.
So, what are you waiting for? Grab these great tools to include watermarks on your next image and forget about them copying your images without permission.