Tinder has been quite a phenomenon in the Internet dating scene, but it could be better. Here are the features we think Tinder should include in future updates.
Dating is an awkward thing isn’t it? The crippling thought of rejection and awkwardness, had me consider spending the rest of my days on this Earth as a monk, on a mountain with a pet goat I’d call Billy. Luckily the Internet happened and with dating was made easier thanks to the connective powers of Tim Berners-Lee’s greatest invention.
Since launching itself onto the world in 2012, Tinder has seen 50 million downloads on Android alone, showcasing like-minded individuals in 196 countries. In one day Tinder sees 1.4 billion swipes (left and right) resulting in 26 million matches.
Tinder may be the world’s most popular dating app, but it isn’t perfect. Granted it’s simplicity is also part of its appeal. Still, there is plenty that can be done to make it better. Although kudos on including GIFs, a partner’s GIF game can be a deal maker for some.
One for the girls that were luckily enough to look like their mother, and the boys who were lucky enough to look like… their mothers. If your selfie game is on a Kendall Jenner level, you pretty much have your pick of the bunch. Yeah it’s a shallow game on Tinder isn’t it? If you haven’t realised by now then you really should get your eyes checked.
For your plethora of matches, you need some sort of organisation for upcoming dates. Once agreeing on a time and place (fist pump of victory is optional) Tinder should offer the option to stamp it into a calendar. It could be aided with push notifications reminding you to go with that flattering blazer instead of the moth eaten comfort hoody.
Share button
A luxury already bestowed upon iPhone users. Where’s the Android love guys? The share button on iOS devices currently allows happy swipers to send a profile that catches your eye, you reckon is better suited for a friend. This will get rid of the need to triangulate your location, and swipe for hours hoping to see this person your mate reckons is right for you.
Currently you’re only able to share profiles via text messaging on iOS. It should be improved to include the world’s most popular over the top messaging services e.g WhatsApp. Oh and bring it to Android please.
Clean up the rubbish
A lot of matches means a lot of unnecessary space being taken up on your profile, due to unresponsive matches. I think this applies more to the ladies, let’s not beat around the bush, women tend to be more successful at the Tinder game.
This may not be a popular suggestion as some like to keep their matches as a bit of a trophy. Really? Don’t be that guy/girl, “oh look how many matches I got, I’m sexy me.” Clutter is horrible, hoarding is weird, it’s not a hobby at all. A friendly prompt to remind you this conversation died, as soon as you made that awful mushroom joke five months ago, is needed for a better mental outlook.
Exterminate the bugs
It’s been a consistent problem since Tinder began, you’re guaranteed to crash the app a few times a week, no matter the operating system you’re using. Apple fans get the best version of Tinder as it’s obviously optimised more. But they’re still victims of unresponsive sending, notifications that aren’t there and of course the regular crashing.
It seems Tinder weren’t prepared for the masses of horny buggers running through the hot gates with giant elephants wielding spears. Surely they would have made enough money by now to smooth out the app?
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