Smartwatches tend to lack basic typing functions due to their compact dimensions, instead allowing their users to browse messages and use simple voice commands.
The same goes for Google’s Android Wear range, which boasts superior apps but no virtual keyboard. Until now, that is.
A third party app entitled Minuum has become the first virtual keyboard service for the Android Wear platform, bringing typing functions to the LG G Watch, Samsung Gear Live and the upcoming Moto 360.
Android Wear’s newcomer status means few apps available on the OS currently require a keyboard. However, Minuum claims that its keyboard will influence more developers to create their own apps that require typing functions.
An official Minuum demo video – embedded below – shows the keyboard being used on the LG G Watch.
As you can see in the clip, Minuum doesn’t use a standard QWERTY keyboard (probably because that would take up way too much space on the small display) and instead opts for a horizontal version.
Minuum has previously created similar keyboards for other devices including, smartphones, tablets and non-Android Wear smartwatches.
Minuum’s creators believe that there keyboard is intuitive to typing patterns, relying on “sloppy typing” to adapt to a user’s style.
Additionally, they claim that they will be introducing a circular keyboard design to fit the upcoming Moto 360 smartwatch.
If you’d like to use Minuum on your Android Wear device, you can sign up for it on the company’s website and receive installation instructions.
It is also available for other devices via the Google Play Store.