The PS4 exclusive Killzone Shadow Fall is about to get its first multiplayer expansion, entitled The Insurgent Pack.
The dlc includes:
- The Insurgent – a brand new class with two unique abilities: Hack (change enemy ground automata into friendlies) and Steal (steal weapons and abilities from downed enemies)
- 3 New Abilities for the Scout, Support and Assault classes:
- E-Pulse emitter ‘ a deployable beacon that sends out an e-pulse making it difficult for enemy units to install automata in that area
- Tactical Echo emitter ‘ a deployable beacon that sends out a Tactical Echo from a fixed location making the area hard to infiltrate by hidden enemy units
- Guard Drone ‘ The Assault gets a stationary Buddy drone; deploy it in one place and it guards the location from a ground level
- 3 New Weapons for Scout, Assault and Support:
- M82 ‘ the classic assault rifle from Killzone 2 and 3 is back
- L512 SMG Pistol ‘ this machine pistol makes a powerful secondary weapon
- Sta14 Rifle ‘ a classic sniper rifle
- New Single Player Elite Mode ‘ An even harder campaign mode for experienced players
- New Online Collectibles Mode ‘ An online collectibles crate that will spawn only for Insurgent expansion holders, one per match for a limited time. Collect one and earn extra points in game, collect more and stand to win rewards in game.
- Insurgent Personalisation Pack:
- 1 OWL Skin
- 3 Spotlight Moves
- 1 Voice Over pack containing HGH and VSA battle chatter voices
- New Challenges and Trophies – The Insurgent Pack comes with its own set of Challenges and Trophies to unlock. Trophy details will be released soon.
Although the new Insurgent dlc is not released until April, players hoping for new content are in luck. A free map pack which includes two new multiplayer packs is currently available.
The Cruiser map is set in a decommissioned VSA cruiser full of maze-like passages and interconnected compartment. Meanwhile, The Hangar takes place in the hangar bay of one of Helghan’s large mining spires.
Additionally, in an effort to attract more players, a free multiplayer trial is currently taking place until 11 March, which does not require a PS Plus account for participation.
Check out the official trailer for the free multiplayer maps below: